According to #Quran's
verses and connected proverbs about, its clear that jews believe that
Gabriel betrayed to communicate the prophetic mission, because god
ordered him to place the prophecy In continuation of Israel's
generations but he did against the order and put that in Ismail's
generations, So #Jews know #Gabriel as a traitor.
Quran says that what they say is not the truth and name him as an honest angle in the following
verses :
Shoaraa, verse 193-194
نزَلَ بِهِ الرُّوحُ الْأَمِينُ عَلَى قَلْبِكَ لِتَكُونَ مِنَ الْمُنْذِرِينَ
"Holy spirit(Gabriel) communicated Quran in your heart to be from admonitors"
al-Baqarah , verse 97
*قُلْ مَنْ كَانَ عَدُوًّا لِجِبْرِيلَ فَإِنَّهُ نَزَّلَهُ عَلَى قَلْبِكَ بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ مُصَدِّقًا لِمَا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ وَهُدًى وَبُشْرَى لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ *
"Say, everyone who has enmity with Gabriel , that great angle communicated quran on your heart with the God's permission"
From the verses above its obvious that Jews have named Gabriel as a punisher angle and the #traitor one.
حدثنا القاسم ، قال : ثنا الحسين ، قال : حدثني حجاج ، عن ابن جريح ، قال : حدثني القاسم بن أبي بزة : أن يهود سألوا النبي ( ص) من صاحبه الذي ينزل عليه بالوحي ، فقال : جبريل . قالوا : فإنه عدو لا يأتي إلا بالحرب والشدة والقتال . فنزل : ( من كان عدوا لجبريل) الآية .
Jews asked #prophet Muhammad , who is the angle communicates you the messages? Prophet #Muhammad replied : Gabriel
They said : Gabriel is an enemy, he wont communicate without war ,then the upper verse has came(baqara 97):
_Jameil Byan Tabari V1 P608.
Tafsir Ibn Kasir V1 P134.
AlEijab Fi Byan AlAsbab Abn Hajar Easghalani V1 W289.
Tafsir AlMizan Allame Tabatabaie V1 P231._
_جامع البيان طبري ج 1 ص 608،
تفسير ابن كثير ج 1 ص 134 ،
العجاب في بيان الاسباب ابن حجر عسقلاني ج 1 ص 289 ،
تفسير اللميزان علامه طباطبائي ج 1 ص 231_
So the origin of phrase "Gabriel the traitor" belongs to Jewish stories and unfortunately some of scholars have attributed this phrase to Shias which is honestly not fair and not true.
Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Tamiya (son of #Tamiya) said: Jews want to obstruct for Gabriel and they know him as an enemy, as Rafidh just said: Gabriel communicated the message to prophet Muhammad as wrong.
Minhajo Alsona AlNabvieh V1 P86
منهاج السنة النبويه ج1 ص6 8.
1. Shia says "Takbeer (Allahu Akbar/God is great)" three times after the pray:
It seems that this claim rooted in lack of knowledge about Shia's beliefs, because if saying this word was a religious and traditional act it must have been existed, somewhere in religious and disquisition books or booklets, despite there is sign of this word neither in religious and disquisition books nor in historical ones! But what Shias have in their juridical books is that prayers should rise their hands three times and each time say "Takbeer" after the pray ends.
To make it more clear, we show some of the Shia's jurisconsults thoughts, and illuminate the fact for the audience.
*Shias Jurisconsults and monks opinion about Takbeer(allah akbar):
A) Sheikh mofid(Ra):*
فاذا سلم بما وصفناه فليرفع يديه حيال وجهه مستقبلا بظاهرهما وجهه و بباطنهما القبلة بالتكبير و يقول: الله اكبر ثم يخفض يديه الى نحو فخذيه و يرفعهما ثانية بالتكبير ثم يخفضهما و يرفعهما ثالثة بالتكبير ثم يخفضهما.
المقنعه ص 114 باب 9 كيفية الصلاة و صفته.
After the pray ends he should rise his hands toward his face as back of his hands should be on #Qibla way and say "Allahu akbar" then pull down his hands to his legs and do this two times again.
Almoqni P144 T9(كيفية الصلاة و صفته)
Sheikh Mofid is one of the oldest and most reliable Shia jurisconsults ,so its obvious if that word(Gabriel the traitor)was essential or even a simple offer ,it should have been told in here.
B) Ibn Edris Helliy(Ra):
و يستحب بعد التسليم و الخروج من الصلاة أن يكبر و هو جالس ثلاث تكبيرات يرفع بكل واحدة يديه الى شحمتى اذنيه ثم يرسلهما الى فخذيه.
السرائر ج 1 ص 232 باب في المستحبات بعد التسليم.
And its an offer(mostahib) that after the pray ends, keep sitting and say takbeer three times ,each time rise his hand to his ears and pull them down to his legs.
AlAsra V1 P232 T (في المستحبات بعد التسليم)
C) The first martyr also wrote about the offers after the pray:
و يستحب التعقيب مؤكدا وليبدأ بالتكبير ثلاثا رافعا بكل واحدة يديه الى أذنيه ثم التهليل و الدعاء بالمأثور و تسبيح الزهراء عليها السلام من أفضله...
الدروس لشرعية ج 1 ص 184 درس 45.
And its an offer and you'd better to do this, you may start with three times "takbeer" , each time rise your hand to your ears and then say "la ilah illa allah~there is no god but the allah" and whisper your bless and also the best one is fatima's blessing.
AlDroos AlShareia V1 P184 L45
2. Shia's belief about Muhammad's prophecy (peace and blessing be upon him)
Shia believe in #Muhammad ibn-~son of- #Abdullah and know that as one of the main religious elements of Islam.
Sheikh Tousi said:
محمد بن عبدالله بن عبدالمطلب بن هاشم نبى هذه الأمة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله بدليل انه ادعى النبوة و ظهر المعجز على يده كالقرآن فيكون نبيا حقا.
الرسائل العشر ص 96 مسائل كلامية باب النبوة و الامامة و المعاد.
Muhammad son of Abdullah son of Abd al-Mutallib is the prophet of these people and the messenger of god,he clam the prophecy and he has miracles (like Qur'an) so he is the right prophet.
AlRasail AlArsh P69 (مسائل كلامية باب النبوة و الامامة و المعاد)
Allame Helli said:
و ظهور معجزة القرآن و غيره مع اقتران دعوة نبينا محمد صلي الله عليه و آله وسلم يدل علي نبوته.
كشف المراد في شرح تجريد الاعتقاد (تحقيق سبحاني) ص 169
the miracle of #Quran and other miracles while inviting to islam clearly shown his prophecy.
Kashf AlMorad Fi Shrhe Tajrid Alitghad 169
3. Testify necessitation of Muhammad's prophecy while praying (Shahadatain):
Shia knows Muhammad's prophecy testify as one of the necessitations of #prayers (it means that if somebody intentionally ignores it, the prayer fails), so how is it possible that Shias testify to Muhammad prophecy's right while praying and after that they clam the Gabriel's #betrayal?! Shia Jurisconsult's opinion and Shia Muslims actions and their way of praying in all over the world and history could be the best evidence to clarify this fact.
Sheikh Mofid said:
وأدنى ما يجزي في التشهد أن يقول المصلي : " أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله ، وأشهد أن محمدا صلى الله عليه وآله عبده ورسوله ".
المقنعه شيخ مفيد ص 143.
least necessary phrase while testifying is to say "i testify that there is no God but Allah and testify that Muhammad is God's servant and prophet"
AlMoghnih Shikh Mofid P143
Sheikh Tousi said:
وأقل ما يجزيه من التشهد أن يقول أربعة ألفاظ : الشهادتان والصلاة على النبي محمد والصلاة على آله وصفته أن يقول ( أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمد عبده ورسوله اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد )
الرسائل العشر شيخ طوسي ص 148
the least words you have to say in testifying is four: two testify to god's unity and say greeting to prophet Muhammad , you should exactly say: i testify to god's unity and he has no any owner and partner and i testify that Muhammad is his servant and messenger so god bless him and his family.
Alrsail Aliadhr Shikh Tosi P148
Sahaab Javahir said:
الواجب ( السابع التشهد ) وهو لغة تفعل من الشهادة ، وهي الخبر القاطع ، وشرعا كما في جامع المقاصد الشهادة بالتوحيد والرسالة والصلاة على النبي صلى الله عليه وآله
جواهر الاحكام شيخ جواهري ج 10 ص 246
the seventh necessity while praying is testifying ,and certainly as it came in " jaami'al maghasid" you should testify in god's unity and Muhammad's prophecy
Javahir AlAhkam Shikh Javahiri V10 P 246
All jurisconsults in present time have mentioned testifying in their books.
اشهد ان لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له و اشهد ان محمدا عبده و رسوله الله صل علي محمد و آل محمد.
i testify to god's unity and no god deserves worship but allah and i testify to Muhammad's prophecy and god bless him and his family.
great jurisconsults khoey, khomeini, Golpaigani, Sistani, Lankarani, Bahjat, Tabrizi, necessitations of praying part of their books
And there are so many opinion of all shia's jurisconsults and leaders about unity of god and Muhammad’s prophecy testify and its something so public and common for Shia Muslims and their jurisconsults.
4. Shia's beliefs about angles sinlessness:
Shias believe in Gabriel and other angles innocence so if Shias believed in Gabriel's betrayal they would never state angles innocence.
Sheikh Mofid said:
فجميع المؤمنين من الملائكة والنبيين والأئمة معصومون لأنهم متمسكون بطاعة الله تعالى
اوائل المقالات شيخ مفيد ص 135
all prophets, angles and the rest 12 #Imams are sinless because they do exactly what Allah orders them.
Avail AlMoghalat Shikh Mofid P135
Sheikh Sadough said:
اعتقادنا فى الانبياء و الرسل و الأئمة و الملائكة صلوات الله عليهم انهم معصومون مطهرون من كل دنس و انهم لا يذنبون ذنبا لا صغيرا و لا كبيرا ولايعصون الله ما امرهم و يفعلون مايؤمرون.
الاعتقادات في دين الامامية باب الاعتقاد في العصمة ص 96.
in our idea prophets and angles and imams are innocent and they are absolutely clean from any kin of sins and they would never do sins , even small ones. They do what ever god orders them.
AlEitighadat Fi Dein AlAmamih Bab AlItghav Fi Alismeh P96
5. Sia's special respect for Gabriel:
Shia's monks and jurisconsults always have shown their respect to Gabriel's greatness and know him as esteemed angles of God.
Sheikh tabresi one of the greatest in Quran interpreting said:
نزَلَ بِهِ الرُّوحُ الْأَمِينُ
shoa'raa verse 193:
يقول : يعنى جبرئيل(عليه السلام) و هو امين وحى الله لا يغيره و لا يبدله.
مجمع البيان ج 7 ص 353.
means Gabriel is the communicate safe keeper and he save all communicates and gods massages untouched.
Majma AlBayan V7 P353
Sheikh Tabatabaey said:
المراد بالروح الامين هو جبريل ملك الوحى... و قد وصف الروح بالامين للدلالة على انه مأمون فى رسالته منه تعالى الى نبيه (صلى الله عليه وآله) لا يغير شيئا من كلامه تعالى بتبديل او تحريف بعمد او سهو او نسيان كما ان توصيفه فى آية اخرى بالقدس يشير الى ذلك.
الميزان ج 15 ص 316.
holy spirit is the Gabriel himself, quraan calls him depositary/keeper spirit and it shows Gabriel innocence from sins and mistakes and he never forget any of god's words
AlMizan V15 P316
Therefore, according to the sources mentioned above, is it really fare to put accuse on Shia for such false things?
Some refer a book "tara'ef al maghad" Sayyed Ali Brojerdi, that says Gabriel is a
Traitor" but they never say what is before which is "AlGharabi'e said".
Means al-Gharabi'e group were thinking this way, Not Shia.
learn the salat and wudu
Quran says that what they say is not the truth and name him as an honest angle in the following
verses :
Shoaraa, verse 193-194
نزَلَ بِهِ الرُّوحُ الْأَمِينُ عَلَى قَلْبِكَ لِتَكُونَ مِنَ الْمُنْذِرِينَ
"Holy spirit(Gabriel) communicated Quran in your heart to be from admonitors"
al-Baqarah , verse 97
*قُلْ مَنْ كَانَ عَدُوًّا لِجِبْرِيلَ فَإِنَّهُ نَزَّلَهُ عَلَى قَلْبِكَ بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ مُصَدِّقًا لِمَا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ وَهُدًى وَبُشْرَى لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ *
"Say, everyone who has enmity with Gabriel , that great angle communicated quran on your heart with the God's permission"
From the verses above its obvious that Jews have named Gabriel as a punisher angle and the #traitor one.
حدثنا القاسم ، قال : ثنا الحسين ، قال : حدثني حجاج ، عن ابن جريح ، قال : حدثني القاسم بن أبي بزة : أن يهود سألوا النبي ( ص) من صاحبه الذي ينزل عليه بالوحي ، فقال : جبريل . قالوا : فإنه عدو لا يأتي إلا بالحرب والشدة والقتال . فنزل : ( من كان عدوا لجبريل) الآية .
Jews asked #prophet Muhammad , who is the angle communicates you the messages? Prophet #Muhammad replied : Gabriel
They said : Gabriel is an enemy, he wont communicate without war ,then the upper verse has came(baqara 97):
_Jameil Byan Tabari V1 P608.
Tafsir Ibn Kasir V1 P134.
AlEijab Fi Byan AlAsbab Abn Hajar Easghalani V1 W289.
Tafsir AlMizan Allame Tabatabaie V1 P231._
_جامع البيان طبري ج 1 ص 608،
تفسير ابن كثير ج 1 ص 134 ،
العجاب في بيان الاسباب ابن حجر عسقلاني ج 1 ص 289 ،
تفسير اللميزان علامه طباطبائي ج 1 ص 231_
So the origin of phrase "Gabriel the traitor" belongs to Jewish stories and unfortunately some of scholars have attributed this phrase to Shias which is honestly not fair and not true.
Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Tamiya (son of #Tamiya) said: Jews want to obstruct for Gabriel and they know him as an enemy, as Rafidh just said: Gabriel communicated the message to prophet Muhammad as wrong.
Minhajo Alsona AlNabvieh V1 P86
منهاج السنة النبويه ج1 ص6 8.
The simplest answer is to find a Shia and ask him yourself, have you ever seen a Shia says such this word after the pray?1. Shia says "Takbeer (Allahu Akbar/God is great)" three times after the pray:
It seems that this claim rooted in lack of knowledge about Shia's beliefs, because if saying this word was a religious and traditional act it must have been existed, somewhere in religious and disquisition books or booklets, despite there is sign of this word neither in religious and disquisition books nor in historical ones! But what Shias have in their juridical books is that prayers should rise their hands three times and each time say "Takbeer" after the pray ends.
To make it more clear, we show some of the Shia's jurisconsults thoughts, and illuminate the fact for the audience.
*Shias Jurisconsults and monks opinion about Takbeer(allah akbar):
A) Sheikh mofid(Ra):*
فاذا سلم بما وصفناه فليرفع يديه حيال وجهه مستقبلا بظاهرهما وجهه و بباطنهما القبلة بالتكبير و يقول: الله اكبر ثم يخفض يديه الى نحو فخذيه و يرفعهما ثانية بالتكبير ثم يخفضهما و يرفعهما ثالثة بالتكبير ثم يخفضهما.
المقنعه ص 114 باب 9 كيفية الصلاة و صفته.
After the pray ends he should rise his hands toward his face as back of his hands should be on #Qibla way and say "Allahu akbar" then pull down his hands to his legs and do this two times again.
Almoqni P144 T9(كيفية الصلاة و صفته)
Sheikh Mofid is one of the oldest and most reliable Shia jurisconsults ,so its obvious if that word(Gabriel the traitor)was essential or even a simple offer ,it should have been told in here.
B) Ibn Edris Helliy(Ra):
و يستحب بعد التسليم و الخروج من الصلاة أن يكبر و هو جالس ثلاث تكبيرات يرفع بكل واحدة يديه الى شحمتى اذنيه ثم يرسلهما الى فخذيه.
السرائر ج 1 ص 232 باب في المستحبات بعد التسليم.
And its an offer(mostahib) that after the pray ends, keep sitting and say takbeer three times ,each time rise his hand to his ears and pull them down to his legs.
AlAsra V1 P232 T (في المستحبات بعد التسليم)
C) The first martyr also wrote about the offers after the pray:
و يستحب التعقيب مؤكدا وليبدأ بالتكبير ثلاثا رافعا بكل واحدة يديه الى أذنيه ثم التهليل و الدعاء بالمأثور و تسبيح الزهراء عليها السلام من أفضله...
الدروس لشرعية ج 1 ص 184 درس 45.
And its an offer and you'd better to do this, you may start with three times "takbeer" , each time rise your hand to your ears and then say "la ilah illa allah~there is no god but the allah" and whisper your bless and also the best one is fatima's blessing.
AlDroos AlShareia V1 P184 L45
2. Shia's belief about Muhammad's prophecy (peace and blessing be upon him)
Shia believe in #Muhammad ibn-~son of- #Abdullah and know that as one of the main religious elements of Islam.
Sheikh Tousi said:
محمد بن عبدالله بن عبدالمطلب بن هاشم نبى هذه الأمة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله بدليل انه ادعى النبوة و ظهر المعجز على يده كالقرآن فيكون نبيا حقا.
الرسائل العشر ص 96 مسائل كلامية باب النبوة و الامامة و المعاد.
Muhammad son of Abdullah son of Abd al-Mutallib is the prophet of these people and the messenger of god,he clam the prophecy and he has miracles (like Qur'an) so he is the right prophet.
AlRasail AlArsh P69 (مسائل كلامية باب النبوة و الامامة و المعاد)
Allame Helli said:
و ظهور معجزة القرآن و غيره مع اقتران دعوة نبينا محمد صلي الله عليه و آله وسلم يدل علي نبوته.
كشف المراد في شرح تجريد الاعتقاد (تحقيق سبحاني) ص 169
the miracle of #Quran and other miracles while inviting to islam clearly shown his prophecy.
Kashf AlMorad Fi Shrhe Tajrid Alitghad 169
3. Testify necessitation of Muhammad's prophecy while praying (Shahadatain):
Shia knows Muhammad's prophecy testify as one of the necessitations of #prayers (it means that if somebody intentionally ignores it, the prayer fails), so how is it possible that Shias testify to Muhammad prophecy's right while praying and after that they clam the Gabriel's #betrayal?! Shia Jurisconsult's opinion and Shia Muslims actions and their way of praying in all over the world and history could be the best evidence to clarify this fact.
Sheikh Mofid said:
وأدنى ما يجزي في التشهد أن يقول المصلي : " أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله ، وأشهد أن محمدا صلى الله عليه وآله عبده ورسوله ".
المقنعه شيخ مفيد ص 143.
least necessary phrase while testifying is to say "i testify that there is no God but Allah and testify that Muhammad is God's servant and prophet"
AlMoghnih Shikh Mofid P143
Sheikh Tousi said:
وأقل ما يجزيه من التشهد أن يقول أربعة ألفاظ : الشهادتان والصلاة على النبي محمد والصلاة على آله وصفته أن يقول ( أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمد عبده ورسوله اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد )
الرسائل العشر شيخ طوسي ص 148
the least words you have to say in testifying is four: two testify to god's unity and say greeting to prophet Muhammad , you should exactly say: i testify to god's unity and he has no any owner and partner and i testify that Muhammad is his servant and messenger so god bless him and his family.
Alrsail Aliadhr Shikh Tosi P148
Sahaab Javahir said:
الواجب ( السابع التشهد ) وهو لغة تفعل من الشهادة ، وهي الخبر القاطع ، وشرعا كما في جامع المقاصد الشهادة بالتوحيد والرسالة والصلاة على النبي صلى الله عليه وآله
جواهر الاحكام شيخ جواهري ج 10 ص 246
the seventh necessity while praying is testifying ,and certainly as it came in " jaami'al maghasid" you should testify in god's unity and Muhammad's prophecy
Javahir AlAhkam Shikh Javahiri V10 P 246
All jurisconsults in present time have mentioned testifying in their books.
اشهد ان لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له و اشهد ان محمدا عبده و رسوله الله صل علي محمد و آل محمد.
i testify to god's unity and no god deserves worship but allah and i testify to Muhammad's prophecy and god bless him and his family.
great jurisconsults khoey, khomeini, Golpaigani, Sistani, Lankarani, Bahjat, Tabrizi, necessitations of praying part of their books
And there are so many opinion of all shia's jurisconsults and leaders about unity of god and Muhammad’s prophecy testify and its something so public and common for Shia Muslims and their jurisconsults.
4. Shia's beliefs about angles sinlessness:
Shias believe in Gabriel and other angles innocence so if Shias believed in Gabriel's betrayal they would never state angles innocence.
Sheikh Mofid said:
فجميع المؤمنين من الملائكة والنبيين والأئمة معصومون لأنهم متمسكون بطاعة الله تعالى
اوائل المقالات شيخ مفيد ص 135
all prophets, angles and the rest 12 #Imams are sinless because they do exactly what Allah orders them.
Avail AlMoghalat Shikh Mofid P135
Sheikh Sadough said:
اعتقادنا فى الانبياء و الرسل و الأئمة و الملائكة صلوات الله عليهم انهم معصومون مطهرون من كل دنس و انهم لا يذنبون ذنبا لا صغيرا و لا كبيرا ولايعصون الله ما امرهم و يفعلون مايؤمرون.
الاعتقادات في دين الامامية باب الاعتقاد في العصمة ص 96.
in our idea prophets and angles and imams are innocent and they are absolutely clean from any kin of sins and they would never do sins , even small ones. They do what ever god orders them.
AlEitighadat Fi Dein AlAmamih Bab AlItghav Fi Alismeh P96
5. Sia's special respect for Gabriel:
Shia's monks and jurisconsults always have shown their respect to Gabriel's greatness and know him as esteemed angles of God.
Sheikh tabresi one of the greatest in Quran interpreting said:
نزَلَ بِهِ الرُّوحُ الْأَمِينُ
shoa'raa verse 193:
يقول : يعنى جبرئيل(عليه السلام) و هو امين وحى الله لا يغيره و لا يبدله.
مجمع البيان ج 7 ص 353.
means Gabriel is the communicate safe keeper and he save all communicates and gods massages untouched.
Majma AlBayan V7 P353
Sheikh Tabatabaey said:
المراد بالروح الامين هو جبريل ملك الوحى... و قد وصف الروح بالامين للدلالة على انه مأمون فى رسالته منه تعالى الى نبيه (صلى الله عليه وآله) لا يغير شيئا من كلامه تعالى بتبديل او تحريف بعمد او سهو او نسيان كما ان توصيفه فى آية اخرى بالقدس يشير الى ذلك.
الميزان ج 15 ص 316.
holy spirit is the Gabriel himself, quraan calls him depositary/keeper spirit and it shows Gabriel innocence from sins and mistakes and he never forget any of god's words
AlMizan V15 P316
Therefore, according to the sources mentioned above, is it really fare to put accuse on Shia for such false things?
Some refer a book "tara'ef al maghad" Sayyed Ali Brojerdi, that says Gabriel is a
Traitor" but they never say what is before which is "AlGharabi'e said".
Means al-Gharabi'e group were thinking this way, Not Shia.
learn the salat and wudu
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