Sunday, 6 December 2015

The opinion of Sunni scholars on Wahhabism (part 3)

Zaini Dihlan Sheikh al-Islam, the Mufti of Masjid al-Haram (the greatest mosque in the world), about Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, in the book of Alderar Al Sunniah Fi Alrad ala Al Wahhabiah says that he considered the Muslims before his age as "infidels" and made Muslims confess their infidelity before converting to Wahhabism.

He explains about it:

إذا أراد أحد أن يتبعهم على دينهم طوعا أو كرها، يأمرونه بالإتيان بالشهادتين أولا ثم يقولون له إشهد على نفسك إنك كنت كافرا و إشهد على والديك إنهما ماتا كافرين و إشهد على فلان و فلان إنه كان كافرا و يسمون له جماعة من أكابر العلماء الماضين، فإن شهدوا بذلك قبلوهم و إلا أمروا بقتلهم و كانوا يصرحون بتكفير الأمة من منذ ستمائة سنة.و اول من صرح بذلک محمد بن عبدالوهاب، فتبعوه في ذلک. و اذا دخل انسان في دينه و کان قد حجّ حجة الاسلام قبل ذلک يقولون له: حجّ ثانياً؛ فانّ حجتک الأولي فعلتها و انت مشرک فلاتسقط عنک الحجّ. ويسمون من اتبعهم من الخارج المهاجرين و من کان من اهل بلدهم يسمونهم الانصار

Anyone who wanted to convert to Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab's religion, was forced to confess that they have been infidels before, also confess that their parents have left the world being infidels and confess that such scholar and that scholar has died infidels. And he named many other great scholars who lived before, if the person confessed that they all were infidels he would then accept his confession otherwise he would kill them. They announced the entire Umma who lived 600 years before, "infidels". The first person introduced such innovation was Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab. The others, followed him and if anybody who accepted his religion had already done Haaj, they were ordered to redo their Haaj, as the previous one was done in the time of their infidelity (paganism) and so was not accepted! He called his followers Ansaar (supporters) if they were from his region, and if they were from other regions, called them Muhajirin (immigrants).

Then, the book reports about ignoring religious books by Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and killing his criticizers:

Saturday, 21 November 2015

The opinion of Sunni scholars on Wahhabism (part 2)

 Zaini Dihlan Sheikh al-Islam, the Mufti of Masjid al-Haram (the greatest mosque in the world), considers the existence of Wahhabism as a sedition appeared in the Islamic community, in the book of Kholasat al-Baian fi Baian Omara al-Balad al-Haram, he writes:

ابتداء فتنة الوهابية مع الرد عليهم بما يبطل ما ابتدعوه سنة 1205 وفي هذه السنة كان ابتداء الحرب والقتال بين مولانا الشريف غالب وطائفة الوهابية التابعين لمحمد ابن عبد الوهاب في عقيدته التي كفر بها المسلمين وينبغي قبل ذكر المحاربة والقتال ذكر ابتداء أمرهم وحقيقةحالهم فان فتنتهم من أعظم الفتن التي ظهرت في الاسلام

"The truth about Wahhabism', is that their conspiracy is the biggest sedition which has ever emerged in Islam."

Thursday, 22 October 2015

"Tawassul" from the perspective of Quran, Sunnah and Scholars [Part 1]

Tawassul is one of the most important dispute points among Muslims which has caused many bloodsheds. The oppositions of Tawassul are called Wahhabi who are the followers of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab. In this series, we are going to prove that the opinion of Wahhabiis on Tawassul is against Quran and Sunnah and show that unlike Wahhabism, Sunni school believes in Tawassul. So, first we introduce the views of Wahhabism on Tawassul and in the future posts, we will analyze and criticize their views.

The opinion of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab on Tawassul and Ithtiqasah (kind of Supplication):

The book of Al-Durar Al-Sunnia fe Al-Jawba Al-Najdia , vol. 1, the book of Al-Aqaed , page 144:

"What we deny and oppose and because of which consider Muslims as infidels, is that if a person calls one of the prophets (e.g. Moses, Jesus pbut) or calls one of the angels (e.g. Gabriel, Michael) or performs a scarification or makes a Nadhr (Vow) or Itikaf besides the grave of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and prays in that place and ask the prophet his/her needs, etc. This is the paganism that Quraish used to do before Islam and this is why the prophet fought Quraish."

Ref: Al-'asemi Al-Najdi Al-Qahtani, Abdul Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Qasim, Al-Durar Al-Sunnia fe Al-Jawba Al-Najdia , vol. 1, the book of Al-Aqaed, page 144
So in the opinion of Wahhabiis, if somebody performs Tawassul or Ithtiqasah to one of the prophets or angels, he/she is an infidel and has to be killed.

Saturday, 12 September 2015

The opinion of Sunni scholars on Wahhabism (part 1)

Zaini Dihlan, was the great Sheikh and Mufti of Mecca. In the book of "Fitna al-Wahhabia", he quoted the anticipation of the professors of Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab about his deviation. And he was actually misled just as it had been anticipated. Zaini says:

وكان كثير من مشايخ ابن عبدالوهاب بالمدينة يقولون سيضل هذا أو يضل الله به من أبعده وأشقاه فكان الأمر كذلك

A significant number of the great scholars and professors of Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab used to say, in the city of Medina: He is going to be astray or Allah will mislead him and he will mislead the people who are far from blesses of Allah and recalcitrant and the same thing happened.

Ref: Zaini Dihlan, Fitna al-Wahhabia, page 4

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Age of Ummul Momineen Aisha at time of marriage with Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Before looking at the original problem of age of Ummul Momineen Aisha let us clarify what really was the year in which Holy Prophet (PBUH) married Ummul Momineen Aisha so that it may be easier to conclude about what was the age of Ummul Momineen Aisha at the time of marriage with Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Muhammad Ibne Ismail Bukhari has narrated in Sahih Bukhari from Ummul Momineen Aisha herself that Holy Prophet (PBUH) married Ummul Momineen Aisha three years after the death of his first wife, Ummul Momineen Khadija:
I did not feel jealous of any woman as much as I did of Ummul Momineen Khadijah because Allah's Messenger used to mention her very often. He married me after three years of her death, and his Lord (or Gabriel) ordered him to give her the good news of having a palace of reed in Paradise.

Sahih al-Bukhari hadith #3817

Sunday, 24 May 2015

The horns of the Satan

The devilry anticipated by the prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing be Upon Him)
Cartoon by MohammadReza Kordian

In 1157 AH (1744 CE) Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab made Bay'ah (oath of allegiance) with Muhammad ibn Sa'ud where it was agreed to hold the political power in the hands of the clan of Aal al-Saud (House of Saud, Royal family) and the religious leadership in the hands of the clan of Aal al-Sheikh (Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and his generations) and this power division has been kept until now. This event (the oath) is written in the book of Unwan al-Majd fe Tarikh al-Najd, Vol. 1, Page 41 , which was written and printed in Saudi Arabia.

Let's have a look at the origin of these two clans.

The origin of Al-Saud

The book titled Tarikh al-Bilad al-Arabia al-Saudia by al-Ostaz al-Doctur Munir al-Ijlani , the first chapter named 'al-Daulate al-Saudia al-Awla' and the first section, 'the tradition of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and Da'wa and tradition of Muhammad ibn Saud wa Haruba' is a very reliable source.
In the page 67 of this book, the origin of al-Saud is explained as:
Muhammad ibn Saud ibn Muqran ibn Markhan ibn Ibrahim ibn Musa ibn Rabi`a ibn Maane'...
All of Wahhabi authors agree that the origin of al-Saud is from Rabi`a ibn Nazar ibn Ma'd ibn Adnan.

Do shia muslims say "Gabriel the traitor" after the prayer ends?

According to #Quran's verses and connected proverbs about, its clear that jews believe that Gabriel betrayed to communicate the prophetic mission, because god ordered him to place the prophecy In continuation of Israel's generations but he did against the order and put that in Ismail's generations, So #Jews know #Gabriel as a traitor.
Quran says that what they say is not the truth and name him as an honest angle in the following
verses :
Shoaraa, verse 193-194
نزَلَ بِهِ الرُّوحُ الْأَمِينُ عَلَى قَلْبِكَ لِتَكُونَ مِنَ الْمُنْذِرِينَ
"Holy spirit(Gabriel) communicated Quran in your heart to be from admonitors"

al-Baqarah , verse 97
*قُلْ مَنْ كَانَ عَدُوًّا لِجِبْرِيلَ فَإِنَّهُ نَزَّلَهُ عَلَى قَلْبِكَ بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ مُصَدِّقًا لِمَا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ وَهُدًى وَبُشْرَى لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ *
"Say, everyone who has enmity with Gabriel , that great angle communicated quran on your heart with the God's permission"

From the verses above its obvious that Jews have named Gabriel as a punisher angle and the #traitor one.

حدثنا القاسم ، قال : ثنا الحسين ، قال : حدثني حجاج ، عن ابن جريح ، قال : حدثني القاسم بن أبي بزة : أن يهود سألوا النبي ( ص) من صاحبه الذي ينزل عليه بالوحي ، فقال : جبريل . قالوا : فإنه عدو لا يأتي إلا بالحرب والشدة والقتال . فنزل : ( من كان عدوا لجبريل) الآية .
Jews asked #prophet Muhammad , who is the angle communicates you the messages? Prophet #Muhammad replied : Gabriel
They said : Gabriel is an enemy, he wont communicate without war ,then the upper verse has came(baqara 97):

Thursday, 14 May 2015

A brief account of the political and religious Saudi regime

Saudi Arabia calls itself a Sunni country and even has attacked Yemen under the pretext of the defense of the two holy mosques of Muslims located in Saudi Arabia i.e. Kaaba in Mecca and the tomb of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing be Upon Him) in Medina.

Now let's see how this regime has come into being and is it really the protector of Mecca and Medina? Does Saudi Arabia defend Sunni Muslims?

The first period: The first Wahhabi regime was established in the summer of 1157 AH (1744 AD) in Diriyah area located on the northwestern outskirts of the Saudi capital, Riyadh (13 KM far away). This event took place at the same time with Bay'ah (oath of allegiance) of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (died in 1206 AH (1792 CE)) with Muhammad ibn Masud whereupon it was agreed that thepolitical power be held in the hands of Al Saud (House of Saud, Royal family) and it has been like this so far; and the religious leadership be kept in the hands of Al Al-sheikh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and his generations. They, both the tribes, promised to support each other in any situation.

Unwan al-Majd fe Tarikh al-Nejd, Vol. 1, Page 41

The first regime collapsed because Abdullah ibn Saud was arrested by Ibrahim Pasha (the Uthmani ruler of Egypt) and was moved to Istanbul and was later, in the time of Mahmud Khan Uthmani, beheaded in BaYazid square. Due to that, in the year 1233 AH (1817 AD), Saudi regime was vanished completely.

The second period: Turki bin Abdullah in 1236 AH (1821 AD) was able to occupy Diriyah and re-establish the Saudi regime. But it did not last so long and in 1249 AH (1834 AD), he was killed by his cousin Mushari bin Abdullah. This time the fight for power was intense in Saudi family.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Was the uprising of Imam Hussein (PBUH) legal or Imam Hussein (PBUH) launched a rebellion against the just caliph, Yazīd ibn Mu‘awiya ibn Abī Sufyān?

In this post, we are going to address this issue from a truly intellectual and narration-based perspective according to some renowned books.
Few points reputable books:
1- Whosoever separates even a little bit from the just ruler, he dies in ignorance.
(Sahih Bukhari, Volume 6, Page 2588, Kitab_al_Fitan)
(Sahih Muslim, Volume 3, Page 1476)

2- Killing anyone who causes discord is allowed.
(Sahih Muslim, Volume 3, Page 1480)

3- Even if the ruler harms your religion, be patient.
(Ibne Abi Sheebah, Volume 6, Page 544; Al-Amwal Al-Ibne Zanjwyah, Volume 1, Page 34)

4- Anyone who rises against the oppressing rulers shall rest in hell.
(Kitab_wa_Rsaail_wa_Fatawa Ibne Teemyah fil Fiqah, Volume 35, Page 12)

Now stating these facts from the above mentioned renowned books (of Ahl-Al-Sunnah),
 we would like to elaborate the incident of #Karbala.

Imam Hussein (PBUH) denied the allegiance to #Yazid and set off for #Kufa. However, he was advised by certain persons (like Abdullah Ibne Umar) to not to do so but Imam #Hussein (PBUH) nevertheless decided to go to Kufa.

Imam Hussein Ibne #Ali (Peace be upon them both) explained about his goal of uprising as it has been narrated.

Imam Hussein realized that the religion had been abandoned.
“Imam Hussein (PBUH) came to these people only when he saw that the religion had been abandoned. So he struggled to re-establish those foundations which his grandfather (the Holy Prophet (PBUH)) had laid. But when they all confronted him and surrounded him, he said: Leave me and let me return!” They didn't accept and said that he must obey the orders of Ibne Zyaad but he preferred death over disgrace as the great men are like that.”

(Al-Tabsrah, Volume 2, Page 14 by Abi Al-Faraj Abd Al-Rahman Ibne Al-Jouzi, died 597 AH, Publishers: Dar Al-Kitab Al-Misri – Dar Al-Kitab Al-Lebanani – Egypt and Lebanon, 1390 AH, 1970 AD, First Edition, Researcher: Mostafa Abd Al-Wahid)

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Who is Son of Man?

My friends , my brother, my sister, know that our saviour Mahdi, is that "Son of Man" in the bible with whom Jesus (peace and blessing be upon him) will come.  The Son of Man can’t be Jesus because Christians believe that Jesus is the “Son of God” and bible says:

You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. (Luke 12:40)

To know who Mahdi is, watch this short documentary:


Sunday, 1 March 2015

Almighty God educated His Messenger well and when he had educated him to perfection

Allah the Exalted prepared him for the greatest mission in the history of mankind Imam Sadiq (a.s) said,”Almighty God educated His Messenger well and when he had educated him to perfection,He said:surly you have a great character.Then He entrusted him with the affairs of Islam and the Ummah so that he could educated His servants and namage their affairs” 

We know how the Holy Prophet (s.w.a) lived during his childhold and youth and before his be that.He was so trustworthy that all members of Quraysh and all the Arabs who knew him woud refer to him as “Muhammad the trustworty” .He used to treat people so fairly that when the Arab tribes were fighting over who was more qualifed to return Hajar al-Aswad to its original place in Ka’aba,they decided that he should be the arbiter.This was while he was a young man.This show that he used to treat people fairly and everybody knew this.

1. Sireye Payambar
2. Kaafi, v. 1, p. 266
3. Speech of Ayatollah Khamenei 


Saturday, 28 February 2015

A tradition regarding the significance of Imamat

A tradition regarding the significance of Imamat

من مات ولم يعرف إمام زمانه مات ميتة جاهلية
"He who dies without recognizing the Imam of his time, would die a pre-Islamic death."[1]
- The Holy Prophet (PBUH)

A tradition upon which both the Shia and the Sunnis agree cannot be ignored, because this agreement shows that the tradition is substantially authentic, though its wording may differ in different reports. Shia usually report this tradition in the following words: "He who dies without recognizing the Imam of his time, would die a pre-Islamic death." These are very serious words, for in the pre-Islamic period people neither believed in the unity of Allah (monotheism) nor in Prophethood. This tradition (hadith) is found in most of the Shia books of traditions including the Kafi which is regarded as the most reliable collection of the Shia traditions.

Friday, 27 February 2015

Rational proving of the Prophet and Imams' impeccable and immunity from sins

To be impeccable and immune from sins is necessary for the Prophet and Imams from intellect point of view. we mention some of them briefly:
Reason of accepting:
We should be able to trust Imams in intellect point of view. If we couldn't trust in saying, deed and writing of Innocent Ones (14 Innocent Ones: the Prophet Muhammad , his daughter, and 12 Imams) and if we suspect at their deeds , authenticity of all religious matters get in question. Then the Innocent Ones should be impeccable and without faults.
Reason of rejection:
If Imams and prophets say something but don't do the same, surely people don't accept that so nobody do divine laws.
Khaje Nasiridin Tusi said at Tajrid al Aghayed: " The Prophet should be innocent and impeccable so people trust them and to trust is the purpose of prophetic mission." [Kashf al Morad fi Tajrid al Eteghad, p.471]

According to the 59s verse of Surah Al-Nessa:

O you who have faith! Obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those vested with authority among you. And if you dispute concerning anything, refer it to Allah and the Apostle, if you have faith in Allah and the Last Day. That is better and more favorable in outcome. [Al-Nessa (Women), 4:59]

Absolute obedience of Imamas is mandatory and God has ordered us to do so just like he has ordered us to obey himself and his messenger.

Now regarding this theory the question is “If The Prophet and Imamas are not sinless and immaculate, would it be mandatory to follow them in every aspect?”

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned by name in the Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned by name in the Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16: "Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Mahamadim Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem." "His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.
Carefully omitting the context given above, he argues that since the Hebrew for "lovely" is מחמד (MHMD, Arabic محمد), this is a prophecy of Muhammad.

Who is Ma'ha'ma'dim?????!

And to Dawood (David) we gave Sulaiman (Solomon), most excellent the servant, surly he was frequent in returning (to Allah)

And to Dawood (David) we gave Sulaiman (Solomon), most excellent the servant, surly he was frequent in returning (to Allah)...

In my opinion, one of the lovely keywords in the chapter SAD (the letter SAD) of the Holy Quran is the word "Awab".
When God in this chapter- with that special tone- three or four times- refers to his good servants- David and Solomon- with this adjective; "Awab".
Meaning someone who frequently returns to God. Always facing towards him.
Its really sweet when God describes a servant like this: "Most excellent the servant, surly he was frequent in returning (to Allah)"

...And to Dawood (David) we gave Sulaiman (Solomon), most excellent the servant, surly he was frequent in returning (to Allah)

Holy Quran 38:30

T:Alireza Rezaei
#Theism #Islam #Quran

Thursday, 12 February 2015

With you, loneliness does not make sense at all

Oh Lord, I was complaining to you about crudity of bad people...
But I take my words back...
I did not understand...
I had forgotten you put me in such situation in order to only look at you whenever I get disappointed in people...
Sometimes I forget, whenever nobody is beside me...
it just does not mean that I am alone...
It means you put everybody away in order to stay alone only me and you... <3
With you, loneliness does not make sense at all...
I am wondering, what would I do, if I did not have you...
I love you, my good God.

Dr. Mostafa Chamran [ ]

Monday, 9 February 2015

Islamic Manner

Islamic Manner

"Believers, do not consume your wealth among yourselves in falsehood, except there be trading by your mutual agreement. and do not kill yourselves. Allah is the most merciful to you." (Quran 4:29)

In the judgment day, we wont give our good deeds to the best person in our life!
But, we have to give them to the person we have hated most and have backbitten him/her!!!
Sin, especially the ones related to violating the rights of people
is the end of stupidity not cleverness!
The cleverness is being servant of God.

Our cleverness is not cleverness.
The one who says I scammed Mr. X, is wrong.
In fact, Mr. X scammed him;
because he owes Mr. X.

Ref: Ayatollah Bahao-dini

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Numerous people gathered around Imam Ali (AS). A man came in mosque and asked:"Ali, I have a question. Is Knowledge better or wealth better?"

Numerous people gathered around Imam Ali (AS). A man came in mosque and asked:"Ali, I have a question. Is Knowledge better or wealth better?"
Ali(AS) answered. The man kept silent. At that time another man entered at mosque and asked:" Abalhassan, I have a question, Is  Knowledge better or wealth better?" Imam answered:" The Knowledge is better because Knowledge protects you but you should protect your wealth." The man was convinced and kept silent.

At the same time a third man came in and asked the same question. Imam answered:" The Knowledge is better because a scientist has many friends and a rich has many enemies."
Imam was still speaking that another man entered and sat near their friends and asked:" Is  Knowledge better or wealth better?"
Imam Ali (AS) answered: " The Knowledge is better because when you donated your wealth it becomes less but when you donate your Knowledge and teach it to others it becomes increased."
It was the turn of fifth man. He waited and stood near a pillar. He repeated the same question. Imam answered: "

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

8 Characteristics to become similar to the Prophet (PBUH)

8 Characteristics to become similar to the Prophet (Peace and Blessing be Upon Him and his family)

The great Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (Peace and Blessing be Upon Him and his family) said: Do you want I inform you about the most similar people to myself?
Audience said: Yes prophet!
He said: Everyone who is more good-tempered, easy going, benefactor to his/her relatives, friendly to his/her religious brothers (or sisters), patient about justice establishment, able to control his/her anger, forgiver and in satisfaction and rage acts based on fairness.

[Osool e Kafi, Vol. 2, Pg. 240]

For the sake of Allah never forget orphans

"For the Sake of Allah, for the sake of Allah never forget orphans. They shouldn't be hungry sometimes and be full sometimes. Be careful that always consider them, they shouldn't suffer because of your carelessness."
Imam Ali (Karamullah Wajhu)

T: Hajar AF

Monday, 2 February 2015

Be aware if your kind you'll be accused of having hidden motives, but be kind.

Be aware if your kind you'll be accused of having hidden motives, but be kind.

If your honourable and honest they will deceive you, but stay honourable and honest.
They will forget your favours, but be upright. And grant your best to others, even if its little.

At the end you'll see what remains is between you and your God, not between you and other people...

Source: Nahj al-Balagha - Imam Ali (Karamullah Wajhu) addressed to Malik al-Ashtar
Tr.: Alireza Rezaei

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

There is no poverty worse than foolishness and no wealth better than wisdom

Know the Prophet Muhammad(Peace Be Upon Him and His Family)
Prophet Muhammad said:

  • "There is no poverty worse than foolishness and no wealth better than wisdom." (Osol Kafi, vol 1, page 30)
  • "The best deed for the sake of God is to hold tongue (means keep silent when necessary)" [kanzol Amal, vol3, page, 551, h7851]
  •  "The best Jihad for the sake of God is to say right words against a cruel governor" (Masnad Ahmad, Baghi Masnadol Ansar, h 21137)
  • "The one who can restrain his anger more than others is more far sighted than others." (Nahjol Fasahe, page 17, h 95)
  • "You should know people by their companions because birds of the same feather fly together." (Nahjol Fasahe, page 19, h 106)
  • "God punishes two things at this world: ingratitude and to oppress father and mother" ( Kanzol Amal, vol 16, page 462, h 45458)
  • "A person who passes days by days without thinking to help other Muslims in their problems is not real Muslim." (Osol Kafi)

T: Hajar AF

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

When a Muslim makes a good Wudu and after that, does the five daily prayers, his sins drop just like the leaves of this tree

One day we were sitting under a tree, all of sudden he stood up and took and shook a branch of the tree which had dried leaves and all of its leaves dropped on the ground.

I got wondered; I said in my mind: why did he do that?

He looked at me and said: Salman! don't you want to know why did I do that?

I said:
Yes prophet of God, please tell me the reason of this action.

The holey prophet (Peace and Blessing be Upon Him and his family) said:
"When a Muslim makes a good Wudu and after that, does the five daily prayers, his sins drop just like the leaves of this tree."

After recited this vessel of Quran:

"and keep up prayer in the two parts of the day and in the first hours of the night; surely good deeds take away evil deeds this is a reminder to the mindful"
Surah: HUD 11:114

Monday, 26 January 2015

The reverence of a faithful person is Greater than Kaaba 's reverence

The Kaaba (cube shaped) ,One of the sacred places to the extent that make pilgrimage to kaaba necessitate observance of certain manners.

The reverence of a faithful person is Greater than #Kaaba 's reverence. (Emam Sadiq, (A) khasal , jeld 1 , page 27)

#Muhammad the last #Prophet who is the glory of faith and guider of believers and the most unique servant of God And the world was created because of him. now can you imagine the high importance and respect towards this person?

God said to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) : If you werent existent the paradise would not not have been created. (Imam Mohammad baqer (A) , majlesi, bahar ul anwar ,vol 16 , page 405

T:MIM Nourani

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Keeping aloof from oppression and misappropriation

By Allah, I would rather pass a night in wakefulness on the thorns of as-sa`dan (a plant having sharp prickles) or be driven in chains as a prisoner than meet Allah and His Messenger on the Day of Judgement as an oppressor over any person or a usurper of anything out of worldly wealth. And how can I oppress any one for (the sake of a life) that is fast moving towards destruction and is to remain under the earth for a long time.

By Allah, I certainly saw (my brother) `Aqil fallen in destitution and he asked me a sa` (about three kilograms in weight) out of your (share of) wheat, and I also saw his children with dishevelled hair and a dusty countenance due to starvation, as though their faces had been blackened by indigo. He came to me several times and repeated his request to me again and again. I heard him, and he thought I would sell my faith to him and follow his tread leaving my own way. Then I (just) heated a piece of iron and took it near his body so that he might take a lesson from it, then he cried as a person in protracted illness cries with pain and he was about to get burnt with its branding. Then I said to him, "Moaning women may moan over you, O' `Aqil. Do you cry on account of this (heated) iron which has been made by a man for fun while you are driving me towards the fire which Allah, the Powerful, has prepared for (a manifestation of) His wrath? Should you cry from pain, but I should not cry from the flames?"
A stranger incident than this is that a man (1) came to us in the night;with a closed flask full of honey paste but I disliked it as though it was the saliva of a serpent or its vomit. I asked him whether it was a reward, or zakat (poor-tax) or charity, for these are forbidden to us members of the Prophet's family. He said it was neither this nor that but a present. Then I said, "Childless women may weep over you. Have you come to deviate me from the religion of Allah, or are you mad, or have you been overpowered by some jinn, or are you speaking without senses? "
By Allah, even if I am given all the domains of the seven (stars) with all that exists under the skies in order that I may disobey Allah to the extent of snatching one grain of barley from an ant I would not do it. For me your world is lighter than the leaf in the mouth of a locust that is chewing it. What has `Ali to do with bounties that will pass away and pleasures that will not last? We do seek protection of Allah from the slip of wisdom and the evils of mistakes, and from Him we seek succour. 

Ali ibn Abitalib [KaramAllah Wajhu]
Ref: ___________________
(1). It was al-Ash`ath ibn Qays.

Friday, 23 January 2015

A Letter To the Youth in Europe and North America

In the name of God, the Beneficent the Merciful

To the Youth in Europe and North America,

The recent events in France and similar ones in some other Western countries have convinced me to directly talk to you about them. I am addressing you, [the youth], not because I overlook your parents, rather it is because the future of your nations and countries will be in your hands; and also I find that the sense of quest for truth is more vigorous and attentive in your hearts.

I don’t address your politicians and statesmen either in this writing because I believe that they have consciously separated the route of politics from the path of righteousness and truth.

I would like to talk to you about Islam, particularly the image that is presented to you as Islam. Many attempts have been made over the past two decades, almost since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, to place this great religion in the seat of a horrifying enemy. The provocation of a feeling of horror and hatred and its utilization has unfortunately a long record in the political history of the West.

Here, I don’t want to deal with the different phobias with which the Western nations have thus far been indoctrinated. A cursory review of recent critical studies of history would bring home to you the fact that the Western governments’ insincere and hypocritical treatment of other nations and cultures has been censured in new historiographies.

The histories of the United States and Europe are ashamed of slavery, embarrassed by the colonial period and chagrined at the oppression of people of color and non-Christians. Your researchers and historians are deeply ashamed of the bloodsheds wrought in the name of religion between the Catholics and Protestants or in the name of nationality and ethnicity during the First and Second World Wars. This approach is admirable.

By mentioning a fraction of this long list, I don’t want to reproach history; rather I would like you to ask your intellectuals as to why the public conscience in the West awakens and comes to its senses after a delay of several decades or centuries. Why should the revision of collective conscience apply to the distant past and not to the current problems? Why is it that attempts are made to prevent public awareness regarding an important issue such as the treatment of Islamic culture and thought?

You know well that humiliation and spreading hatred and illusionary fear of the “other” have been the common base of all those oppressive profiteers. Now, I would like you to ask yourself why the old policy of spreading “phobia” and hatred has targeted Islam and Muslims with an unprecedented intensity. Why does the power structure in the world want Islamic thought to be marginalized and remain latent? What concepts and values in Islam disturb the programs of the super powers and what interests are safeguarded in the shadow of distorting the image of Islam? Hence, my first request is: Study and research the incentives behind this widespread tarnishing of the image of Islam.

My second request is that in reaction to the flood of prejudgments and disinformation campaigns, try to gain a direct and firsthand knowledge of this religion. The right logic requires that you understand the nature and essence of what they are frightening you about and want you to keep away from.

I don’t insist that you accept my reading or any other reading of Islam. What I want to say is: Don’t allow this dynamic and effective reality in today’s world to be introduced to you through resentments and prejudices. Don’t allow them to hypocritically introduce their own recruited terrorists as representatives of Islam.

Receive knowledge of Islam from its primary and original sources. Gain information about Islam through the Qur’an and the life of its great Prophet. I would like to ask you whether you have directly read the Qur’an of the Muslims. Have you studied the teachings of the Prophet of Islam and his humane, ethical doctrines? Have you ever received the message of Islam from any sources other than the media?

Have you ever asked yourself how and on the basis of which values has Islam established the greatest scientific and intellectual civilization of the world and raised the most distinguished scientists and intellectuals throughout several centuries?

I would like you not to allow the derogatory and offensive image-buildings to create an emotional gulf between you and the reality, taking away the possibility of an impartial judgment from you. Today, the communication media have removed the geographical borders. Hence, don’t allow them to besiege you within fabricated and mental borders.

Although no one can individually fill the created gaps, each one of you can construct a bridge of thought and fairness over the gaps to illuminate yourself and your surrounding environment. While this preplanned challenge between Islam and you, the youth, is undesirable, it can raise new questions in your curious and inquiring minds. Attempts to find answers to these questions will provide you with an appropriate opportunity to discover new truths.

Therefore, don’t miss the opportunity to gain proper, correct and unbiased understanding of Islam so that hopefully, due to your sense of responsibility toward the truth, future generations would write the history of this current interaction between Islam and the West with a clearer conscience and lesser resentment.

Seyyed Ali Khamenei
21st Jan. 2015 

Monday, 19 January 2015


In the name of Allah,

All of the prophets and messengers from God have risen only for the same purpose.
There is no difference amongst of teachings of Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (pbuthem).
The Extremism is absolutely condemned by every gentle and large-minded man around the world
We consider the ZIONISM, as the main enforcer of all these seditions.
ISIS and the other similar groups are actually very useful for ZIONISOM not for ISLAM, and the function of Al- Qaeda and other similar groups is not the same with the Prophet Muhammad's character sketch.
We loathe of the ZIONISOM, in the same way, we loathe of all TAKFIRIS.

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